Fred The Tree On Seven Mile Bridge

Fred the Tree: The Lone Survivor of Seven Mile Bridge

When driving along the famous Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys, you’ll pass a curious sight that seems almost out of place in this man-made expanse over the ocean: a lone Australian pine tree growing defiantly from the old, crumbling section of the bridge.  This solitary tree, affectionately known as Fred the Tree, has become a beloved landmark, standing as a symbol of resilience, nature’s willpower, and the quirky charm of the Florida Keys.


The History Behind Fred

Fred the Tree's story begins on the old Seven Mile Bridge, built between 1909 and 1912 as part of Henry Flagler's ambitious Overseas Railroad. This engineering marvel connected the Florida mainland to Key West, opening up the Keys for travel and trade.  However, the bridge was retired in 1982 when a new, wider bridge was constructed parallel to it.

Somewhere along the abandoned stretch of the old bridge, Fred the Tree sprouted, taking root in a crack or small pocket of soil that had gathered between the weathered concrete and steel. No one knows exactly when or how Fred came to be, but his tenacity and ability to grow in such an inhospitable environment quickly caught the attention of locals and tourists alike.


A Symbol of Survival

Fred’s story resonates with many for one simple reason: survival against the odds. Australian pines, though not native to Florida, are hardy trees capable of withstanding salty air and windy conditions. Still, for Fred to not only sprout but thrive on a crumbling, barren piece of bridge is nothing short of remarkable.

Fred survived not only the usual battering of the Florida Keys’ weather - strong winds, blazing sun, and the salty spray of the Atlantic - but also several hurricanes that have swept through the region.  Each time a storm threatened, locals feared Fred wouldn’t make it. Yet, after each storm, Fred the Tree remained, standing strong.


Fred’s Fame and Enduring Legacy

Over time, Fred the Tree has become something of a folk hero.  Travelers along the Overseas Highway slow down to snap pictures, and locals have rallied to protect this unique symbol of resilience.  Some even decorate Fred for holidays, adding a festive flair to the lone tree. During Christmas, Fred is often adorned with ornaments, and around patriotic holidays, Fred may sport American flags.

Though small, Fred stands tall in the hearts of many who see him as a testament to endurance, perseverance, and nature’s ability to reclaim even the most unlikely places.

Preserving Fred

While Fred has captured the affection of many, the old bridge where Fred lives has deteriorated significantly.  Pieces of concrete have fallen away, and concerns over safety have led to debates about preserving both Fred and the historic old Seven Mile Bridge.  Efforts have been made to restore parts of the bridge for pedestrian use, allowing people to get closer to this beloved tree and keep Fred safe for future generations to admire.

Fred the Tree: A Must-See in the Keys

Whether you’re a local or just passing through the Florida Keys, Fred the Tree is a must-see roadside attraction.  It’s not just about seeing a tree growing from an abandoned bridge - it’s about witnessing nature’s determination to survive, even in the most unlikely places. As Fred continues to defy the odds, he reminds us all that even in isolation, growth and resilience are always possible.



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